Tag: Reise

Allumé: Berlin über die Zeit

Februar 27th, 2014 — 5:54am
1-3: Berlin im Wandel

1-3: Berlin im Wandel

1: Café Sidney
Winterfeldtstr. 40 1000 Berlin 30
Unterkante: 20 Zünder – „Westglas“ Berlin
Abb. u. Schrift: schwarz auf weiß
schwarze Holzstifte m. gelbem Zündkopf
2: Hotel Savigny
Brandenburgische Straße 21
10707 Berlin-Wilmersdorf
Unterkante: Hellma 158.865
Abb. u. Schrift: schwarz auf grün
Holzstifte m. rotem Zündkopf
3: Kollberg 35 Café Food Bar
Wörther Straße 35 10435 Berlin
Vorderseite: JSP John Player Special
Logo u. weiße Schrift auf schwarz
Holzstifte m. rotem Zündkopf
2 verso: B-Wilmersdorf

2 verso: B-Wilmersdorf

1: An gleicher Stelle findet sich heute das Restaurant Amrit und wartet mit indischer Küche auf.

Kommentare deaktiviert für Allumé: Berlin über die Zeit | Category: Billed, Philuménie | Schlagwörter: , ,

Les allumettes francophones

Januar 12th, 2014 — 11:02pm
1-3: Maroc, France, Suisse

1-3: Maroc, France, Suisse

1: Hotel Royal Mansour Douira
Avenue des Far, Casablanca, Maroc
Environmentally friendly matches
Bryant & May. Made in E E C. AV 11
Holzstifte m. azurblauem Zündkopf
2: Hotel Regent Petit France, Strasbourg
Distr. ADA Guest Supplies
Holzstifte m. weißem Zündkopf
3: Mandarin Oriental
Hotel du Rhône, Geneva
Holzstifte m. rotem Zündkopf

1: Das Tintenblau der Schachtel kontrastiert deutlich mit hellerem Ton der Zündköpfe.
2: Schachtel zugleich auch für das Hotel Regent Contades, Strasbourg
3: J’y ai dormi une nuit en 2007 lors de mon voyage là-bas avec R.

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Allumés: Des hôtels de luxe allemands

September 13th, 2013 — 4:20am
1-4: Nächtigen, absteigen

1-4: Nächtigen, absteigen

1: Sheraton Frankfurt
Hotel & Towers Conference Center
Schrift u. Logo: schwarz auf weiß
Holzstifte m. weißem Zündkopf
2: Alsterkrug Hotel, Hamburg
Direkt vom Flug zum Alsterkrug
Schrift u. Logo: marineblau auf weiß
Holzstifte m. dunkelblauem Zündkopf
3: Steigenberger
Hotels and Resorts
Schrift u. Logo: weiß auf silber
Holzstifte m. weißem Zündkopf
4: altes Hilton International-Logo
The Hilton – The Hotel
Schrift u. Logo: weiß auf schwarz
Holzstifte m. kobaltblauem Zündkopf

2: Schachtel weist mit „2000 Hamburg 60“ vierstellige PLZ auf, wurde also vor 1993 herausgegeben.

Kommentare deaktiviert für Allumés: Des hôtels de luxe allemands | Category: Billed, Philuménie | Schlagwörter: , ,

Allumées: Hôtellerie et haute cuisine

März 15th, 2013 — 2:30am

1-4: Allez-y...

1-4: Allez-y...

...manger, dormir

...manger, dormir

1: Basilikum, Tübingen-Lustnau
Schrift: weiß auf schwarzgrau
Holzstifte m. schwarzem Zündkopf
2: The Ring, Wien
Vorderseite: Schrift schwarz auf seegrün
Rückseite: Schrift seegrün auf schwarz
Holzstifte m. türkisgrünem Zündkopf
3: Hotel Krone, Tübingen
Schrift u. Logo: grün auf weiß
Holzstifte m. grünem Zündkopf
4: Quality Meats, New York
Schrift u. Logo: schwarz u. rot auf weiß
schwarze Holzstifte m. weißem Zündkopf

1-3: Inneneinschübe in weiß; 4: Inneneinschub ist rot
1-4: schmale Box-Streichholzschachteln

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März 4th, 2013 — 3:52am

Hun ble født kort tid før tiden endret seg for all tid da den gamle verden forsvant sammen med samfunn og sedvaner, skikk og bruk, og da samtidig tre keiserdømmer med ett sank ned i historias minne og kartene ble tegnet på nytt ifølge et tragisk terningspill, og hun vokste opp trygt og godt midt i gyldne åkrer og marker og bondeliv og dugnad og da hestevogn ble skiftet til bil hva som markerte det knitrende oppbruddet til modernismen. Hennes ektemann falt på østfronten under andre verdenskrig, hun flyktet og forlot fedrelandet, die Heimat, sammen med de to guttene sine, faren min og onkelen, tok avskjed fra hjemstedet sitt. Hun var ikke en gang 32 år gammel, og livet hennes hadde forandret rubb og stubb for andre gang. På samme måten som verden hadde sunket i grus.

Hvem som elskerVed fylte 19 år bestemte hun seg til å flytte til et annet land og et fremmed språk og tok alt sitt mot til seg og håp og tro, og sånn fant mora mi seg comme au pair ved vertsfamilien som gav henne kost og losji, og for det meste arbeid, idet hun drog omsorg for barna deres og fungerte som hushjelp. Det var allerede en internasjonal by, denne merkelige hovedstaden midt i Europa, på slutten av 1960-tallet, og samtidig et øy helt isolert i språk og bruk fra området, en konflikt sånn nærværende som gammel, med øyne som fremdeles i dag ulmer av hat og skinnsyke, og hennes morsmål ble ikke tatt for gitt som i dag, fremfor alt på torgene til Ixelles der man er i handelen med ulike varer og fremmedartet eim og lukt og bitende krydder og mange koloniale folk. Hjemme fantes det den diversehandelen og nærbutikken til familien.

Vi kom til huset sent på kvelden, ble ønsket velkommen, og neste dag satt vi oss ned rundt bordet og lo og drakk og spiste mat mens vi fortalte om turen vår langs vestkysten, øygruppa ved munningen av Atlanterhavet der vi fikk anelse om historia og ble solbrente og skulte høyt over dens fjell og innhegninger som består av stein og sekler fylt med fattigdom og besvær, Oransjeordenens marsj tvers gjennom bysentret til Nordens hovedstad. Så stor en familie, onkel, tante, sine seks barn, i tillegg barnebarna. Hennes første barn ble født med sykdom, hun var 34 år, hun hadde vært som ei søster til meg da jeg var ung, og der gav hun spedbarnet til meg for å holde og bære ham, et så lite liv, en lettvekt som veide nesten ikke noe, finlemmet med det største smilet en kan tenke seg. Hvordan kan noen så liten vise seg så tungtveiende?

Alle tre sitter de nå ved spisebordet; hun fredsom og fri av det strenge regimentet av mora, oldemora mi, dattera av en gammel tidsalder, dannet ved den Höhere Töchterschule i et land langt borte, hun knust av sorg og sykdom med et blikk over brilleglasset, hun ser ikke inn i glasset for å se etter framtiden men drømmer en drøm, minnes dem, et streiftog i et liv sæl av lykke, og hun den siste som oppdrar tre barn med ikke noe bekymret hjerte men fast håp: De forteller enhver om ætt og herkomst, en fortelling, narrativ, som vi aldri blir lei av, mødrenes liv.

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Schiemannsgarn op Platt

April 13th, 2012 — 1:15am

Ende letzten Jahres schrieb ich wehmütig um den Verlust der niederdeutschen Mundarten und verglich dies Schwinden landschaftlicher Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte mit der Pflege derselben, die sich im süddeutschen Raum im Fortbestehen der dortigen alemannischen, schwäbischen, fränkischen u.a. Dialekte bewahrt und erweist.

In meinem Projekt, aus der Erinnerung geschwundene mundartliche Texte, welche zu Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts – à la mode? – noch in großer Zahl produziert und verlegt wurden, immer wieder aufs Neue ins digitale Gedächtnis des 21. Jahrhunderts hinüberzuretten, fahre ich heute fort mit einem Auszug aus einem Erzählungsband Johann Wilhelm Kinaus, welcher besser bekannt ist unter seinem Pseudonym Gorch Fock – als Namenspatron des Segelschulschiffs der Deutschen Marine.

Wenn einer dauhn deiht, wat hei deiht, dann kann hei nich mehr dauhn, as hei deiht.

Text: Gorch Focks Erzählung Den Seilmoker sin Piep:
Abschrift (84 kB) (PDF-Dokument)

Kommentare deaktiviert für Schiemannsgarn op Platt | Category: ?? ????? ?????, Boek, Miscellaneous | Schlagwörter: , , , ,

Kun en tekst

April 10th, 2012 — 12:01am

Den siste boka jeg har lest er „Like sant som jeg er virkelig„, forfatteren er Hanne Ørstavik. Jeg leste den på norsk etter at jeg hadde lest oversettelsen til tysk allerede i 2003 da jeg hørte på forfatterens lesning på bokhandelen Hugo Frick (som ble stengt ved slutten av 2006), og at jeg leste boka på ny skyldes en muntlig eksamen for noen dager siden. Jeg ville forberede meg ved å lese teksten høyt og helt tydelig for å forbedre både uttalen min og mitt ordforråd. Boka handler om ei ung kvinne som heter Johanne og som en dag finner seg alene og låst inne i rommet sitt. Teksten beskriver følelser hennes, og leseren får et blikk på livet hennes; hennes håper, tvil og hva hun er redd for. Jeg kjøpte denne boka i 2006 når jeg var på ferietur i Oslo, og dette kjøpet er noe helt normalt for meg for jeg pleier å kjøpe bøker i alle steder hvor jeg er på reise. Nesten aldri kommer jeg tilbake fra en tur uten at jeg har kjøpt nye bøker. Faktisk, ofte forbereder jeg reisene mine med å slå opp på internett hvor jeg kan finne spennende bokhandler, og i hver by er bokhandler og antikvariater viktige severdigheter for meg. Jeg var, for eksempel, utrolig glad at jeg kunne gå til Strand’s som er en tradisjonsrik og velkjent bokhandel i New York City, hver gang da jeg har vært der siden 2000. Damms Antikvariat var en kjempefin plass i Oslo da den fantes ved Christiania Torv mellom Rådhusgata og Øvre Slottsgate (skjønt litt dyrt), de har flyttet til Frogner i mellomtiden. Butikken en må ikke gå glipp av i Paris er Shakespeare and Company i nærheten av Notre-Dame katedralen og Seine-bredden. George Whitman greide å skape et fluktrom som varer bibliomaner, avsidender og turister alle sammen og gir dem pust å drømme igjen midt i byen, midt i den moderne verdens rastløshet. Dessuten bruker jeg internettet for å kjøpe bøker, både lærebøker for universitetskursene og forskningen min og gamle bøker for jeg er interessert i å samle sjeldne, antike bøker, særlig bøker som stemmer fra den tidlige humanistiske boktrykkeri-tradisjon (for eksempel pene trykk av klassikerne i Aldus Manutius‚ forlag og Elzevirernes reiseutgaver som høyeste uttrykk av den nederlandske gullalderen) og også fra den franske opplysningstiden.

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Listing lists: NYC magazines and blogs

November 5th, 2011 — 12:47am


1. Village Voice: http://www.villagevoice.com/
2. New York Magazine: http://nymag.com/
3. Time Out New York: http://newyork.timeout.com/
4. The L Magazine: http://www.thelmagazine.com/

1-3. Any of the above magazines is a good choice for keeping yourself up-to-date on NYC’s pulsating life and will help you spot events, places, sales and shopping excuses, and news on the city’s haves and have-nots. Basically, they all aim at the same set of a young, fun-loving, educated audience, residents and tourists alike, with an emphasis on the hipper quarters of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. Guiding you with view to New York’s club life, fashionable rooftop bars and basement waterholes, you will easily get a fair knowledge of NYC’s eternal 80s revival and the finest in DJ culture within city limits, know where to go during fashion week and which unmarked door next to an unfashionable side street corner store holds a hidden dining room or a prohibition era speakeasy (you will have to figure out yourself the knocking pattern, though), why hipsters suck and New York City under Bloomberg still remains the capital of the world – despite all the pacifying and gentrifying which has taken place in the last decade.

4. I’ve never used this magazine during my time in the city, but it seems to appeal to an artsy and cutting-edge clientele the same way the others do, and perhaps its name is most catchy among them with the queer folk. To me, choosing any of the magazines over one another is pretty much only a matter of personal preference; you will find all the news you need and more in any of them including the juicy stories and sex columns of Village Voice’s Dan Savage, the bloggings on theatre and playwrights in L Magazine, Time Out’s well-structured schedules and categories on events and activities to do (and not to be missed!) in New York, and NY Magazine’s somewhat articulated stint at the underground in favour of high culture and high society. Combine either two of them, and your stay in New York is guaranteed to be full of opportunities, overwhelming night and day life and, sadly, all too many missed chances. There is just too much to do in a city that never sleeps.


1. Not for Tourists: http://www.notfortourists.com/newyork.aspx
2. Brooklyn Vegan: http://www.brooklynvegan.com/
3. Gothamist: http://gothamist.com/

1. Insiders know best, and if you are looking for some surf action or lonely beach walking, the local favourite deli-joint or just accurate, reliable neighbourhood portraits including maps, and places preferably not overrun by tourists in general, NFT is the perfect starting point for your research. Articles are written by natives and residents, clear and up-front, and though their tartly comments sometimes come across rude (this is NYC, after all), they get down to the facts effectively, without cutting slack. Spicey, straight, uncompromising – a safe bet for insights into the lesser-known parts of the city, its highlights, and the hot shit (aka faex calesca). Don’t miss out on New York’s narrative and first-hand knowledge and join the esoterics and city-dwellers from within New York City. With your i-prefixed cell phone, you can even navigate while on the walk.

2. Brooklyn Vegan functions as your source for information on concerts and parties at night, particularly if indie, electro and Balkan music is your cup of tea, and it also offers effective news on genres outside mainstream hipsterdom such as rock, metal or house. Do not expect anything too outragous or adventurous here, though, as there are plenty of newsletters, Yahoo groups and secretive lists on the experimental and underground which don’t principally cater to an audience in its late teens, early twenties. Hence you won’t find yourself at an illegal warehouse rave if you solely depend on Brooklyn Vegan. Word of mouth and a network of close and not-so-close friends in your favourite spots will prove more rewarding in this instance, just as a few web-based links on the ever-so insatiable Scylla of social networking sites. Make up a name and fake profile and benefit from the savvyness of the Youtube and Last.fm generation. Also, you may be able to fetch discounts and guestlist spots here time and again.

3. Gothamist tends to take a much brighter look at the city than the DC Comics-inspired nickname may suggest. (Actually, Washington Irving was the first in 1807 to refer to Manhattan as Gotham, but the imagery, architecture and gritty atmosphere often associated with NYC, particularly in movies and artifacts relating to the 1970s and 1980s, strongly corresponds to the image of the metropolis going by this name which is also home to Batman.) Here, you will find extensive food reviews and restaurant recommendations throughout the city, along with cooking recipes, cocktail mixology and formulas and tips on healthy servings. Next to a charming obsession with subsistence and nutrition, it also offers delightful news on arts and entertainment, galleries and exhibitions, dating and local politics (OWS, for instance, as of late), with a lacing of celebrity gossip, blurps on New York’s social circles and light-hearted sports columns. There is nothing too deep and serious about this enjoyable blog, but it will consistently point you to the right direction as regards the cinema, culture and cuisine of The Big Apple.

Indispensable for food & catering

1. Menu Pages: http://www.menupages.com/changecity/newyork
2. Zagat: http://www.zagat.com/newyork

1-2. While you will find many restaurants and food joints in New York City Zagat-rated and the Zagat survey considered indispensable by many distinguished New Yorkers, most often you will rather stumble across a Zagat decal by chance, noticing it at the storefront from inside-out, while looking out and observing the buzzling life and busy streets of Manhattan. An ex post facto if there was ever one, and hence a bit of gambling if you go by older accolades – which rarely get removed from shop windows or front doors – or the Zagat guide you snatched at the hotel reception or local bookstore. If you care to prepare for a restaurant visit in the evening or a bar night with friends or business partners, Menu Pages, which has recently been acquired by Seamless, will at minimum prove a valuable side and provide you with free general information on restaurants, bars and lounges alike. Currently, the directory is listing more than 35,000 menus and close to 175,000 user-generated reviews, made available online for free, for both mobile and home-computing. Your smartphone thus will guide you to the next hot spot or top-notch neighbourhood tavern and avert you from ending up at a dive bar with your guest from Singapore instead of the hippest club in town with the same name next door.

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Listing lists: Websites facilitating NYC life

Oktober 6th, 2011 — 2:42am

1. Hopstop: http://www.hopstop.com/
2. Seamless: http://www.seamless.com/
3. Airbnb: http://www.airbnb.com/

1. NYC is huge, and despite an extensive 24/7 public transit system ranking among the most advanced in the world (and the oldest, too), connecting the tri-state metropolitan area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, it easily proves overwhelming when you start planning your trips beyond the immediate surroundings. The most reliable and simple way to navigate the city is Hopstop, always up-to-date, at day, at night, including real-time information on the service status of all lines, i.e. delays, service changes and cancellations. In addition, it provides alternative routes, schedules and transfers, and helps its users step by step, with maps and itineraries, for the traveller planning or checking his trips ahead of time. Less user-friendly proves MTA’s info page, and Google Maps is great for its street view feature, but useless for mapping out your routes.

2. Ordering food is tempting after a long day on tour or at work in the office, particularly given the negligent state of many Manhattan kitchenettes, which, often lacking basic utensils such as cooking knives and boards, turn food preparation much more into a challenge and ordeal than daily routine or artisan hobby. With Seamless, hundreds of restaurants, take-aways and other food joints in the immediate neighbourhood are at hand by instant online ordering, without the hassle of busy lines and phone miscommunication – and no awkward discussions about the amount of tipping, due to advance payment by credit card via Seamless‘ system. Providing reviews and recommendations, photos, menus and detailed descriptions of the dishes, this site makes choosing (and bookmarking) your favourites and culinary hotspots awfully simple. And re-ordering even more tempting.

3. The NYC market for vacational rentals is stock full of schemes and scams, which renders any search for an (short-term) apartment from outside New York a vabanque, i.e. a risky enterprise, which in turn can get you to find yourself in front of an empty lot upon arrival instead of the shiny, newly refurbished flat you chose for your stay. Fraud is rampant, and Google’s search results unfortunately push some of the most shady and frivolous offers to the top. Airbnb’s design as a social community, enhancing (or corrupting, depending on your point of view) the concept of couchsurfing by facilitating rentals among strangers and friends, is a huge step forward. Reviews for hosts and guests, a secure payment system holding transactions for 24 hours to prevent rip-offs, and verification features for profiles and apartments are among the mechanisms put in place, to make you feel better about choosing a place to stay and venturing into the unknown.

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Stray observations V

September 11th, 2011 — 1:27am

(i) Let me introduce you to New York’s fauna and its habitats: Mus musculus (a fugitive rodent at Westside Cleaners), Columba livia domestica (frequently observed on my window sills and the a/c), and the utterly abominable Scutigera coleoptrata, which ranks high among the most creepy extraterrestials ever.

(ii) An embarrassingly long-sought solution to a standard mathematical problem: t[h] = ((speed.A [km/h] + speed.B[km/h]) / distance [km])^-1. (See here if you wish to inquire what that means.)

(iii) How come all the jams I enjoy here in the States, are of Italian origin? First Fiordifrutta: Organic fruit spread: Raspberry, produced by Rigoni di Asiago Spa, Star-K kosher-certified, and now Pomegranate Raspberry: Organic Preserves by Mediterranean Organic, extra fruit, artisan crafted, „grown under the Mediterranean sun, […] picked at the peak of ripeness and processed in small batches on a 4th generation Italian family farm“.

(iv) A Gourmet Deli? No doubt, I must be in West Village, bordering on Chelsea.

320 West 14th Street

320 West 14th Street

(v) $800 for a dinner for two (omakase-style)? I’d rather go have cazuelas fajitas-style at hip Dos Caminos on the border to Meatpacking District, and then head over to Gaslight with its laidback, retro atmosphere.

(vi) I need my watch battery replaced. Looking for a dealer in the Manhattan yellow pages, I notice that 47 W St nr 5th Ave is the epicentre of New York’s watch-retail, -service and -repair – a.k.a. the Diamond District.

(vii) Spam: „The Jew Watch Project’s 1.5 Billion Pages Served Demonstrate Our Focus on Professionalism“. – What is wrong with you people?! About 1,500,000,000 skew reasons.

(viii) Do you also have a sense of epiphany with this Google Maps street view image?

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