Kant, Paris, kingbird (1953)

Kant, Immanuel, (p. 649)
1724-1804, German philosopher, one of the greatest figures in the history of philosophy. He lived a quiet life at Königsberg, becoming professor of logic and metaphysics at the university and quietly evolving a system of thought that influenced all succeeding philosophers in one way or another. […] In [his works] he set forth intricate and well-knit arguments that defy brief summary. […]

Paris, (p. 952)
[…] Intellectually and artistically, Paris led the W world in the 17th-19th cent. and in some respects retains a unique position („city of light„). […] A fishing hamlet at the time of Caesar’s conquest, ancient Lutetia Parisiorum soon grew to an important Roman town. It became (5th cent. A.D.) a cap. of the Merovingian kings but was devastated by Norse raids in the 9th cent. With the accession (987) of Hugh Capet, count of Paris, as king of France, Paris became the national cap. It flowered as a medieval commercial center and as the fountainhead of scholasticism but suffered severely during the Hundred Years War (English occupation 1420-36). Throughout its history, Paris displayed a rebellious and independent spirit. […]

kingbird, (p. 662)
North American flycatcher. Eastern species, also called tyrant flycatcher and bee martin, eats some bees but chiefly noxious insects. It is dark gray above, light gray and white below with a white-banded black tail and an orange crest.

The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia (in 2 volumes),
The Viking Press / Columbia University Press: New York 1953

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